Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Welcome, Daniel!
Corina Gina Papouis
[21.Aug.09 20:42]
Nice to see you on this side of Agonia.:)
I enjoyed the poem, that moment was beautifully described.
I would suggest replacing all with everything, I think it would sound better.

Keep them coming!:)


 =  welcome new member!
Marius Surleac
[21.Aug.09 20:45]
Hi Ofelia. Good to find you on the English page as well. Your poem looks ok and I may say that it sounds better than other of your Romanian poems. Waiting for more.


 =  I'm glad to be here!
daniel aporof
[21.Aug.09 20:54]
Thank all of you!

Dear Gina, I think your suggestion is very good. I will change that word.

Mihai, my name is Daniel, I don't know Ofelia, sorry!

Best regards,

 =  mea culpa!
daniel aporof
[21.Aug.09 20:58]
sorry, Marius!

 =  .
Marius Surleac
[21.Aug.09 21:19]
ok ;)

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