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 =  I humanly can say that...
Corina Gina Papouis
[23.Nov.09 14:36]
I enjoyed your text!..It has nerve and is edgy...I think you could polish a few bits (example: getting rid of 'your' at 'your inner self', 'feel' at 'feel no remorse' - or use 'the no remorse').

a good reality check poem.


 =  Thank you
Andrada Ianosi
[23.Nov.09 14:47]
for the advice. I've changed "your inner self" as you said. The fact is that it really sounded a bit weird when readed, so I hope this form suits the poem better. As for "feel no remorse", I think I'm gonna keep it like this. It's the way my inner rhythm goes. The repetition of the verb was meant to appear in the same stanza.

Best wishes,

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