Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Hello
Andreea Maresi
[22.Jun.10 13:55]
I like your style of writting. It seems sad, but in the same time, a very powerful one.
Congratulations. Keep it up!

 =  Corina Gina Papouis
Cãtãrãu Alina - Andreea
[22.Jun.10 16:09]
Life and love can be dangerous, or some situations make them dangerous like walking on the tightrope of the trapeze. Each step is calculated carefully and the balance is very important, or else, you might fall into the abyss of failure and depression.
I really like this poem, it has a theme that i hadn't saw very often.

Cheers from

 =  indeed...
Corina Gina Papouis
[22.Jun.10 16:47]
the letting go of logic and everything you hang on to is either a marvellous act of inherited balance or a graceful fall into void...either way, what bliss.:)

love is the word...

thank you both for kind comments,


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