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+ textscape
Veronica Valeanu
[23.Mar.10 17:44]
well, there are fascinating surfaces within the text made more transparent than the thread of the description, so slippery that the mind immediately starts bridging realities. the atmosphere is so carefully built, wrapping the reader like a mist. the effect is exacltly how you wanted it to be: a fragile but ampliative place {between 2 mirrors of existence}.
so, excellent in execution.

definitely interested in reading more.

remember - do not post more than 2 texts once.

 =  love musical prose...
Lestat de Llamorte
[24.Mar.10 08:35]
My sincere gratitude to thee, Veronica, and such a full and descriptive response.
Great, you could feel it - the music, the place. Being the musician, I find pleasure in sounding prose where the melody itself and the conceptual idea can be sensed - the odor of beautiful and original composition. Alas, the novel I'm writing now is in Russian, but hopefully I shall translate it when done. Until then I'll be sharing my short visions and poems, some old and fresh new, continuing to develop and educate.

These short novels - canvases from the Beyond - come to me while i'm mooning around different places, which means, of course, there are lots to come...

 =  a useful ex for authors
Veronica Valeanu
[24.Mar.10 08:52]
please do that!
personally, apart from the text's charm, i find it a useful ex for authors - to provide atmosphere and real flesh for the texts (especially the poems) where people tend to make it minimal.
because not only words carefully selected, not only ideas bring around a text; but also clusters of words in which one comes stronger and is a pillar of sense, by shining directly on the others, and the others which open up more subtle paths, (not necessarily linked to perception but also to diffuse intentions)
and yes, musicality does play an important part, by imprinting a frequence which is bound to establish by itself (not by the author) how much it can spread its intensity on the other clusters of words - this on the semantic level.

looking forward for more,

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