Comentariile membrilor:

 =  heartfelt
Veronica Valeanu
[13.Apr.10 16:42]
why we'd fallen
The feeling making our hearts beat

indeed, a very sensitive text, that definitely plucks the reader from a grey reality. it makes you want to rediscover the intensity that we all might disconsider in daily routines.
we'll be looking for more to come.

 =  nedix
Mihai Nedelcu
[14.Apr.10 22:47]
thanks. it brings me joy seeing that at least one is on the same page as i am.

 =  I liked it very much
Cãtãrãu Alina - Andreea
[16.Jun.10 19:49]
I was longing to read something pure, sincere, that melts the heart of the reader, and luckily I've found what I was searching for. I enjoyed reading this text, that reminds us the fact that we shouldn't forget the beautiful moments cherished with our partner. The message is very profound.

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