Comentariile membrilor:

 =  A
Veronica Valeanu
[14.Jun.10 22:13]
capable of realizing/to realize
there's not any way back- these are for you to correct

the last 2 lines are really memorable, Andreea!
well, it takes courage to tackle such a theme
keep on writing!

 =  Thanks
Andreea Maresi
[15.Jun.10 16:56]
Thank you so much for some useful advice and for your support.
I'm glad that I know your opinion.
Keep on writing too.

 =  :)
Cãtãrãu Alina - Andreea
[16.Jun.10 17:09]
Hi Andreea, I have just read your poem and I must tell you that I like the way you write. I don't know exactly how to explain, but it has something philosophical in it. I guess that everyone want a place where they can feel happy or at least content of themselves< a place where everybody feels that can belong there.

Best wishes!

 =  To Cãtãrãu Alina - Andreea
Andreea Maresi
[17.Jun.10 17:53]
Thank you so much for your support. And i'm happy that you understood something of I really wanted to say. I feel exatcly the same, and I'm sure that many people dream of this place:)

Best wishes too,

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