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 =  #
Corina Gina Papouis
[28.Oct.10 16:02]
..powerful poem indeed, the edge of the thoughts is sharper then a blade here, so, I do not want to get into in-depth analyses for the fear of sudden death...

Oh, please change bare for bear.



 =  serenissima
Veronica Valeanu
[28.Oct.10 17:41]
a very powerful discourse tone. it semms to be taken from the interior and, at the same time, from the exterior. almost scary, yet soothing.

moreover, it gives power. i can imagine the torment of that huge writing-on-the-wall that is called destiny, engraved little by little on the walls, and, exactly when you feel you are exhausted by so much engraving or correcting or painting - you UNDERSTAND that you can paint life nude/white/tabula rasa againn, and start over!

it's simply becoming the infinite and remaining the same.

level up!

 =  .
nica mãdãlina
[28.Oct.10 17:42]
thanks, corina, for the lucid and vigilant eye. it's needed and helpful.
and veronica, thanks to you too, again, for the support.

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