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 =  Note
Raducu Bogdan Adrian
[09.Jan.11 13:29]
Sorry for my bad english, it's been a while since I used it.

 =  sh
Veronica Valeanu
[09.Jan.11 13:45]
a woman I did not love
that had been holding me for so long
that had barely begun
that I had applied to myself
didn't let me think about one
I had passed by those trees thousands of times
for the essence of fear
we're coward
I'm afraid of myself
provided my first memory
on which things were written
sky which was cloudy
resist to the insomnia
being sure of its healing
We wait for it for the simple reason
we're caught and wrapped
without any fear of the unknown
that's the true reason we all live for

- there might be other mistakes, but i tried to do the best i could for this text

 =  In The Shadows
Wendy Mary Lister
[17.Sep.11 10:17]
Fabulous prose, I am sure we can all relate to this imagery here ..Raduc..
Nice write...

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