Comentariile membrilor:

 =  spring again, another leaf ...
Motoc Lavinia
[06.Apr.11 13:46]
I quite enjoyed this one, feels natural, feels vintage, feels good.

 =  genuineness
Lelia Vatasescu
[15.Apr.11 10:25]
I like this clear conjunction of words your texts have, as if forming a standalone architecture that doesn't require anything more or less. simple, yet powerful.

 =  Gremlins
James A Williams
[25.Jan.12 05:39]
Another photo eaten by the gremlins. :(

I agree to a point with Motoc's evaluation that this feels vintage, but believe it is the dried, broken leaf, that gives it this feel.

It reminded me of relationships. Is this a husband of many years? A new lover? Both could leave a woman wondering where she stands. Is she the dried leaf?

Good poetry makes one think and feel. I want to tell him to let her know how he feels.


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