Comentariile membrilor:

 =  JZ
Veronica Valeanu
[07.Jun.11 19:52]
[will I stumble
Amid my indecision?]- you should try to build a more logical sequence

[I seize and tremor at the cost
Associated with a choice
Of little consequence
...opportunities waiting]
- an agglomeration of terms that is detrimental to the effect you hoped to convey; it would be better if you succeeded to get rid of [cost,choice, consequence, opportunities]to find smth more dramatic

Í'm sure you'll give it a more resourceful shape.

 =  Thanks
James M Zealy, Jr
[07.Jun.11 21:05]
Thanks for the suggestions Veronica, I believe this reads more coherently.

 =  alternative
Veronica Valeanu
[07.Jun.11 21:11]
I would suggest this alternative:

Sea Oat Medallions
Cast circular directions
out, where there is no choice
to be taken

Settled just below a bleu celeste horizon
Stretching arching towards its sea salt
Pool of emerald wavelets
Yet the path is not clear

If I traverse right
Will I see a brilliant painted landscape?
Will I stumble
if I traverse left?

That I must select
I stand here petrified,
where my tremor takes me

I take the steps
to find the destination is the same

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