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 =  Holy place
James A Williams
[18.Jan.12 07:17]
I love the metaphors, the comparisons of the cheese shop to the church. How the boy feels that he is in a holy place, to where he desires to cross himself.

This is a great story and only has minor technical problems and a few grammatical errors.

As I recently critiqued another of your wonderful shorts, I will not do so with this one unless you so desire. Let me know if I can be of use.

Thanks, this is great stuff.


 =  Please critique this story
lupu mircea
[01.Feb.12 14:31]
You can criticize me whenever you want - it's ok- I have no problems with that. It is the only way I can improve myself. I thank you for this.

 =  Critique
James A Williams
[05.Mar.12 03:05]
I think it is not too late to attend the Mass at the church.
Change to:
It is not too late to attend Mass. ('I think,' makes the sentence weak. 'at the church,' is redundant.

Inside the shop is quiet-nobody is behind the counter.
Should be something like…
Inside the shop it is quiet. There is nobody behind the counter.

From behind the wall suddenly appears the shop man
I think I would change shop man to 'merchant or shopkeeper.' (And I would kill suddenly. :)

I figure Cyrillic letters in the holes of the slices…
I see Cyrillic… perhaps.

I wanted to pay the cheese but the shop man turned me down. Take the cheese please, it is charity.
You changed tenses in the middle of a scene… a BIG no, no. :)
I WANT to pay for the cheese, but the shopkeeper TURNS me down. "Take the cheese, it is a gift.

I liked your story well indeed.


 =  thanks
lupu mircea
[07.Mar.12 09:51]
Many thanks Jaw for your help :)

 =  cleaner
James A Williams
[07.Mar.12 15:36]
Much cleaner, it flows better now.

ten thumbs up.
(I'm all thumbs today. :)


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