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 =  When The Ice Melts and Mirror Shatters
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[18.Sep.05 11:35]
Existing hatered, over your past bestowal, sibsidy from the torments burried deep inside, the shattered pieces will never be put together, as if it is broken forever, don't even think about looking at your reflection, coz you'll just witness a broken images of an unknown reflection.

 =  Weaving a dark mythology
Edilberto González Trejos
[18.Sep.05 20:03]
Memories woven like a dark mythology replacing the memory.
Everything frozen now, warm then... A desolated universe portrayed with great sense by the Poet.

 =  universal ice feelings...
Marius Surleac
[29.Apr.08 11:17]
Indeed as Songo said, there is a desolated Universe lost in the frostiness of the hearts, lost beyond reflection of your own person; everything is cold out there, even the feeling are cutting the picture like sharp knives because of the ice crystals. Lots of images and feelings, metaphors too, beautiful descriptions.
An excellent poem!
Cheers Kurt!

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