Comentariile membrilor:

 =  these are just my opinion, at least!
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[04.Dec.05 07:53]
Isn't better if you'll change those lines saying so near and so far away, into *(so near yet so far)*?
and so as the title.

You can change it if you want to.!

 =  Nothing..
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[04.Dec.05 08:27]
(*So near yet so far away*)

any way just forget about it..!

 =  done:)
Hanna Segal
[06.Dec.05 04:23]
thanks for the input, Josh, it was greatly appreciated

 =  muslim ruby
felix nicolau
[21.Apr.06 14:22]
I think it is better not having changed it. This way is closer to a sapiential saying. ANd I see it in close connection with the above essay, actually like a motto to that named essay. But I also highly praise your sheer artistical simplicity.

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