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 =  !!!
Marius Surleac
[12.Jun.08 11:18]
I have some observations: there is “unification” instead of “unification”, “soundly” instead of “sonor”, “kinetically” instead of “kynetical”, “narration” instead of “narrativity”, “vacuum” instead of “vaccum”, “ontology” instead of “onthology”, “mysterious” instead of “mysterious” - my opinion


 =  Read this one just now...
John Willy Kopperud
[12.Jun.08 11:36]
...with great interest. An intriguing concept...liquidification. You seem to be aiming at means for people to reach common grounds on cultural fields. That is indeed important work!
Cheers from Willy

 =  my opinion about...
Marius Surleac
[12.Jun.08 12:55]
Here is more a metaphysical stance about matter and shape, about time and space, about our own existence and imagination that passes beyond the limits. When you mentioned about neutrino my thoughts goes to the dilution of space, is all about quantum physics, about generalized theory of relativity and liquid room inflicts the idea of dilution in time and space, the dilution of thoughts and beliefs in the relativity of our world, universe - on everything. Unification of codes here is needed to be in your text like unification from physics as Great Unification Theory, but applied on arts (paintings, architecture, poetry and so on).

Finally, the basic idea is the fluidity of everything!

Best regards,

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