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 =  Saludos amigo - For Willy
Edilberto González Trejos
[28.Feb.08 23:20]
Please leave me with these lines:

"We are all dying.
We are all being born.
And the desert
embraces the luscious garden."

Your voice, Our voice, poet´s voice, loud and clear. The way it should be, the echo of some entity called HUMANITY.

Saludos amigo

 =  Edilberto, how nice...
John Willy Kopperud
[29.Feb.08 18:08] was of you to emphasize those lines. I hope I did get some essential emotion across there.

And to you too; Saludos amigo!

 =  i like
Daniela Voicu
[27.Jul.08 11:04]
''We are all dying.

We are all being born.

And the desert

embraces the luscious garden."
I like very much the poem !


 =  Thank you very much, Daniela...
John Willy Kopperud
[27.Jul.08 18:42]
...for appreciating my New Year Poem.
Cheers from Willy

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