Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Good job!
Marius Surleac
[13.Feb.08 10:38]
Wow, nice poem, but as an observation the physical feeling is also true when is dark ... eyes will hurt for just2-3 seconds.

 =  thanks marius for understanding my work.
Christopher Thripp
[13.Feb.08 17:41]
When your future becomes distorted by life.
It needs to be shaded by good times.

 =  ,,go away"
Daniela Voicu
[15.Feb.08 13:16]
I am the sight from your eyes
I am the tears from your soul
I am light in your darkness
that never give you pain.
I am your eyes who see deep inside my soul.
Your future is light... The future its me...
"go away"... never ask me again.

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