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+ A valid expression...
John Willy Kopperud
[14.Feb.08 20:46]

...of loves bestiality, thus belonging to a fine and solid tradition. The choice of words; "as you sold me to the feelings" intrigues me.
Cheers from Willy

 =  answer
Bogdan Nicolae Groza
[12.Mar.08 11:05]
John, Thanks for passing by. I'll be looking forward to seeing you around again.

 =  wonderful ;)
ioana dintica
[27.Dec.08 19:02]
For me, these verses are a tease of love, it’s that delicious, consuming, burning love, that love that makes you sale yourself to it, all you are, with your life and death, smiles, kisses and tears and seconds that may seem hours. You only can kill the away time trough that kiss and you’d sell yourself a thousands of times to that love that makes you feel alive, that makes you die a little in a lover’s arms :)
Best regards, Ioana.

 =  Answer
Bogdan Nicolae Groza
[05.Jan.09 12:16]
Ioana, thamk u for visit and your opinion. :)

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