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 =  Good!
Marius Surleac
[18.Feb.08 11:30]
The poem is nice, it flows logically but for my own interest can you tell me why did you choose the next expression: "slush on the poplars"?
Thank you!

 =  answer
Monica David
[19.Feb.08 19:29]
Thank you, I was inspired from the contest romanian kukai, the kigo for this month, if you know the contest, was slush. In my haiku it's an image in the nature, the slush coming down on the poplars and the cold weather let us know that the winter is coming again. Thank you, have a beautiful evening, Monica

 =  Thank you again!
Marius Surleac
[20.Feb.08 10:34]
Ok! I knew that you referred to the nature image, what I did not knew was the inspiration point. I thank you for the answer! Have a nice day and see you soon!

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