Comentariile membrilor:

 =  True!
Marius Surleac
[25.Feb.08 16:37]
The future will be in torment because of the beautiful memories of past, and you feel a little bit of regret?
Very nice!

 =  Hmmm...
Sorin Toma BOC
[25.Feb.08 17:21]
Is this a reply to my last 2 haiku (Abdication and Torment)? The text is very familiar.

To Marius: the future will be a torment not because of the beautiful memories in the past, but their absence in present... you'll understand someday :)

 =  the future
Monica David
[25.Feb.08 19:55]
For me the future is a torment because I know we go to the end. Is a thoughtful idea in this haiku.

 =  thank you... monica/ marius/ and sorin .
Christopher Thripp
[01.Mar.08 16:27]
I thank you for all your comments
sorin i am sorry... i would love to say it was you inspiring me...but i never read your poem but i will now ...
thanks again...

 =  Sorin, you're right!
Marius Surleac
[26.Feb.08 08:49]
Indeed Sorin, you're right and is what I meant to say but I did not put it in the right expression. As a response, I have felt this absence in the present time and I would give anything to rejoin the best moments once again ... but it is not possible!
Thank you!

 =  All the best
Sorin Toma BOC
[01.Mar.08 19:18]
Great minds think alike and similar experiences lead to similar feelings :)

 =  write on brother!!
Christopher Thripp
[03.Mar.08 22:01]
very true sorin my freind...i look forward to reading more from your mind and heart.

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