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 =  Because...
Marius Surleac
[10.Mar.08 10:56]
the stars which you invoke were there, close to you!
Cheers Chris!

 =  thank you marius.
Christopher Thripp
[11.Mar.08 10:59]
If you look up in the night sky what your seeing is not real...what you are actually seeing is 20 years old..It takes 20 years for the light to reach us.

 =  Think again and it is a good idea where you pointed the view!!!
Marius Surleac
[12.Mar.08 10:44]
I understand you Chris but now it depends on how far the star is. For instance it takes 8 minutes for the light from the Sun to reach the Earth and 4.22 years for the light from the close star Proxima Centauri to reach us. I have no clue what stars are because in a short calculus means that the stars you are looking at are 20 light years away meaning that are closer to the maximum distance an eye can see a star…
My idea is that you were looking to the stars much more proximate, around 4.22 - 12 light years away.
Cheers Chris!

 =  cheers marius
Christopher Thripp
[12.Mar.08 21:39]
cheers marius we agree what we see now is not real.

 =  Who knows? - maybe...
Marius Surleac
[13.Mar.08 09:36]
It was real few years ago ... now, we don't know if those stars are there anymore!

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