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 =  --
Monica David
[12.Mar.08 21:17]
I like your poem. At the begining is a sweet dream than almost violent, the barking dogs bring you to reality.

I like it,
Have a beautiful evening, Monica

 =  thanks monica.
Christopher Thripp
[12.Mar.08 21:34]
thank you monica much appreciated.
you have a great week.

 =  Nice one Chris!
Marius Surleac
[13.Mar.08 09:35]
I like your day dreaming.
These words makes me think like you're in a cross intersection, sleeping in the middle of the traffic, so the dogs barking are the mad drivers that push their buttons to wake you up. But also I understood the idea of visions thundered in mind!
Cheers my friend!

 =  multumesc
Christopher Thripp
[13.Mar.08 14:16]
yes marius just day dreaming...we all do this .

 =  !!!
Marius Surleac
[13.Mar.08 14:20]
You're welcome Chris!
Cheers and keep closer.
Have a nice day!

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