Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Precise and lighthearted
John Willy Kopperud
[11.Mar.08 13:09]

Good, compact poems are always a pleasure to read.
A bonus, also, is that this poem is nowhere near the
southern sentimental melancholy which regretfully often appaears on this site.

 =  today perspectives for tommorow...
Marius Surleac
[11.Mar.08 13:14]
It is like a support point given by yesterday, so it's all about cause and effect!
Very good Chris!

 =  cheers my freinds.
Christopher Thripp
[11.Mar.08 20:17]
Thank you willy and thank you marius...i appreciate your comments.

 =  ...
Daniela Voicu
[15.Mar.08 23:09]
Today my life ...its change love its passion ...i am not sory for the past my soul exist just the word ,,good"...
your life changed good.

 =  thanks all.
Christopher Thripp
[19.Mar.08 11:48]
your life can change in an instant...

 =  cheers
Christopher Thripp
[19.Mar.08 04:28]
Thank you daniela for your comments.

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