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 =  no loose...
Marius Surleac
[13.Mar.08 09:52]
A good poem Chris, but my opinion, as a completion is that the "space" from around the age of seven remains the same till the day you die, what is changed is that not all memories are kept in consciousness, but those more important. All the rest of the memories go into sub-consciousness!
Good job Chris!

 =  dani
Daniela Voicu
[16.Mar.08 10:52]
its not exist te ,,space" ...the life its love and the love its life...the space its just one ilusion...

 =  good point.
Christopher Thripp
[16.Mar.08 02:34]
you may be correct marius...good point.

 =  ...
Marius Surleac
[17.Mar.08 09:35]
I want to contradict Daniela on the affirmation that space is just one illusion - The space is not an illusion, not even time ... the space is matter. Our life means space and time, without space there is no life so there is no love. Illusions are when the illusionist creates them.

Cheers Chris!

 =  cheers my friend
Christopher Thripp
[19.Mar.08 01:34]
magic words marius...

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