Comentariile membrilor:

+ Such a refined contribution...
John Willy Kopperud
[16.Mar.08 14:41] the nordic blues must deserve a star! And you certainly
get those emotions across to me as a reader, Florin!

 =  ...
Florin Hulubei
[17.Mar.08 08:31]
Thank you very much, Willy!

 =  the breeze of north...
Marius Surleac
[17.Mar.08 09:50]
Indeed those sensations are there and these words express the Nordic countries as well. I know some people in the north and they say the same thing, the sent you the same sensations.
A very nice poem!
Cheers Florin!

 =  ...
Florin Hulubei
[17.Mar.08 11:15]
Thanks, Marius!

 =  !!!
Marius Surleac
[17.Mar.08 11:16]
You're welcome Florin. Pleasure is mine when reading such poems.

 =  Multumesc / Thank You
oana blandiana betlevy
[21.Mar.08 12:06]
nu cred ca ai nevoie de cuvintele noastre sa crezi in ceea ce ai scris ; iti scriu doar sa stii ca ma numar printre cei ce au simtit ceva special si deosebit cand au parcurs poemul tau... multumesc.

I trust you don’t need our appraisals to believe in what you ‘ve wrote ; but just to make you sure that I am one of those who felt a different moment whilst reading your poem. thank you.

+ Northern Minstrel
Edilberto González Trejos
[28.May.08 23:50]
in the southern city,
I first knew the sharp pleasure of frost
mixed with vodka,
the simple pleasure of salmons
dreaming of another way
to get rid of the nets of fishermen
away from their unfaithful wives
and their blond and silent children
with their lunettes always headed to Tropics"

This is Epic, a Chant to Northern deed brought forth to us readers with a Universal Approach!
Cheers Poet


 =  very well indeed
Roxana Sonea
[16.Jul.08 09:03]
Master finish! Very well done.

I`ll take the liberty of using your finish in my.. many unrelated actions, as a motto or a state of mind. Thank you!

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