Comentariile membrilor:

 =  great words laura.
Christopher Thripp
[15.Mar.08 04:05]
Giving up is the easy way out...Facing our fears and the challenges in life separates the weak from the strong.

 =  :)
Muresan Laura
[15.Mar.08 12:43]
thanks for your comment Christopher:)

 =  a poem
Monica David
[15.Mar.08 18:16]
Beautiful words, good text, thought it could be posted as a poem, it sounds like a song. I really like it.

 =  ...
Muresan Laura
[15.Mar.08 23:11]
Thanks Monica:)

 =  There is certainlys some good content her, but...
John Willy Kopperud
[15.Mar.08 23:15]
...the levis are breaking. What is that? Pants?
Cheers from Willy - who's slightly in the dark here.

 =  ouch
Muresan Laura
[16.Mar.08 00:23]
I just noticed. It was supposed to be "levees". my bad. thanks willy for underlining that:)

 =  Thank you for correcting that error and thus making ...
John Willy Kopperud
[16.Mar.08 06:12]

...both sense and an interesting poem.
Cheers from Willy

 =  :)
Muresan Laura
[16.Mar.08 10:11]
thank you;)

 =  deep perspectives...
Marius Surleac
[17.Mar.08 08:59]
Indeed as Monica said, this can be put as a poem. It looks like a poem. Interesting idea about own solving the problems and I think that we shall open ourselves when is needed, even we don't have the answer for what happens in our hearts, we may be surprised that somebody can give us the answer.
Nice text Laura!

 =  well...
Muresan Laura
[17.Mar.08 11:59]
Thanks Marius, I'll put it as a poem ;)

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