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 =  solution...
Marius Surleac
[17.Mar.08 09:41]
A very nice poem Chris but I must contradict you a little bit.
If you keep the path straight, in a particular momentum you will crash into the curb of life.
If you do not want to crash you have to follow a curb path ... so you'll be in a parallel position and you'll never intersect the curb.
Cheers Chris!

 =  thank you my freind
Christopher Thripp
[17.Mar.08 14:13]
hence why you avoid the curb of just crashed!!

 =  it's quite...
Marius Surleac
[17.Mar.08 18:09]
...sort of, I don't avoid it, just follow its path.

 =  it's quite...
Marius Surleac
[17.Mar.08 14:23]
... sort of not avoiding but following its pathway.

 =  thank you for asking marius.
Christopher Thripp
[18.Mar.08 03:03]
I am glad we got that one "straight":)

 =  ;)
Marius Surleac
[18.Mar.08 09:53]
Sure Chris!
Cheers waiting new poems!
Have a nice day!

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