Comentariile membrilor:

 =  cheers marius
Christopher Thripp
[19.Mar.08 18:26]
I like this poem you should write more like this.

 =  Surreal, yet concrete...
John Willy Kopperud
[19.Mar.08 19:56]

...and Chris is certainly right. Good writing, Marius!

Have a nice Easter!

 =  Willy and Chris, I appreciatte you...
Marius Surleac
[20.Mar.08 09:38]
Thank you Chris and Thank you Willy!
I appreciate your support about this side of poetry. I have written in the Romanian language this kind of poems, but I am passing a not very good disposition and that's why it is a little bit hard for me to think about love or anything around it.
Maybe during time I'll be able to write more poems of this kind.
Anyway I thank you one more time for reading my poems. I feel honored!
P.S. Willy, thank you for your Easter greetings. But we, being and orthodox country, celebrate the Easter on 23rd of April.
So I wish you both a happy Easter and we all shall have a good communion with God.
Thank you so much my friends!

 =  writing is free the healing of which is ...priceless.
Christopher Thripp
[20.Mar.08 18:38]
marius while in your good days or your dark days there is always emotions that produce good writings.I know you will agree with me these times the support of writing will help you get through.There is a privacy factor or airing you washing in public.I say give the world your problems and they will give you an awnswer.As your friend and critic as you are to me... i wish you all the best in life.

 =  Thank you Chris!
Marius Surleac
[21.Mar.08 09:02]
You're perfectly right Chris. In this kind of moments the only escape is to do what you like most. I'll keep that in mind.
Thank you for your kind and friendly words Chris!
Have a nice day and a beautiful Easter!
See you around the texts.

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