Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Cheers my friend...
Marius Surleac
[20.Mar.08 10:04]
I like it Chris, indeed love is that kind of language and a nice one. Simple and true.
Good job!

 =  thank you marius.
Christopher Thripp
[20.Mar.08 17:31]
Thank you marius.To be truly in love you must be freinds first.

 =  Indeed...
Marius Surleac
[21.Mar.08 08:51]
True, Chris. You're 100% right.

 =  MoonAngel
Lynn West
[25.Mar.08 14:26]
Yes, for love without friendship holds no joy and finds no peace... and sometimes borders on that thin line between love and hate...

 =  good
Daniela Voicu
[25.Mar.08 14:26]
happy ....omg .....that it's the happyness....

 =  cheers my friends
Christopher Thripp
[25.Mar.08 19:47]
dani friendship is for has peaks and lows
if you have friendship in your relationship first then you have a happy balance for the future. If love does not work out then hopefully the friendship will remain.
Thank you all for your comments much appreciated.

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