Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Ah, that's potential!
John Willy Kopperud
[22.Mar.08 17:29]

In your writing I sense a fair quantity of poetic potential.
There are some typos here, though and I would be pleased if you corrected them. Very nice poem, nevertheless.

 =  True...
Marius Surleac
[24.Mar.08 13:10]
Existential thoughts is what I see; and hanging on each idea hit by the body.
Nice indeed, as Willy said.
Cheers and keep going!

 =  Request
Luminita Suse
[25.Mar.08 14:43]
Please, do not post more than two texts per day. Thank you.

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Foloseşte link-ul existent în pagină (lângă data înscrierii textului), sau alege limba corespunzătoare şi accesează din nou acest text.

De asemenea, nu poţi comenta din pagina care include comentariile off-topic.

Înapoi !