Comentariile membrilor:

+ That part of spiritual existence...
John Willy Kopperud
[22.Mar.08 17:24]
...that you can't fully explain, comprehend or possess. That sums up my impression of the poem. Skilfully written and some striking pictures as well. I did enjoy this! I think it must deserve one little twinkler.

Have a nice weekend!

 =  great job.
Christopher Thripp
[23.Mar.08 19:36]
I have to agree with willy... peter has this poem entangled in a straight line...excellent.

 =  life existences...
Marius Surleac
[24.Mar.08 13:15]
Is about the edges we all meet in our escape through life, the same edge between life and death and so on.
Nice images.

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