Comentariile membrilor:

 =  lets move on...
Christopher Thripp
[01.Apr.08 05:07]
The release of ones feelings in words is a healing process all of it's own...

 =  you rock Lynn!!!
Marius Surleac
[04.Apr.08 14:03]
Chris is perfectly right, so my opinion is the same as his.
Great job Lynn!
You write very beautiful and my opinion is that your texts got well in our hearts. Keep writing like that ... we need more of your texts to feed our souls.
Cheers from Marius!

 =  I appreciate you!
Lynn West
[07.Apr.08 21:29]
Thank you again, my friend, thank you!

 =  Thank you
Bogdan G. Marin
[21.Apr.08 11:07]
Thank you for posting your poem.
What flavor in the simplicity of words. And if you may do please read my texts also! I will return and read some more.

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