Comentariile membrilor:

 =  A bit confusing...
John Willy Kopperud
[01.Apr.08 20:36]
...yet interesting. Please though, there are some rather annoying misspellings in this piece. Please correct them.
Cheers from Willy

 =  Thank you.
Bogdan G. Marin
[08.Apr.08 20:02]
Thank you for you commentary.

First. English is not my first language, though it is not an excuse.
Second. It is not finished.

Grotesque Beyond - refers to grotesque beauty - or heaven. It has multiple meanings.
By the interior air hang I - it represents anxiety.


 =  indeed interesting...and nice
Marius Surleac
[04.Apr.08 14:24]
First I think that you have to correct the misspells than you have to correct some images and ideas you've put in the end of the text.

The idea is a little bit strange, though interesting and makes me think to few different images:1. First I think that the whole text is a flash presentation of a real dream, exposed like bits from a nightmare and sends the reader to find by his own the conclusion of what you wanted to say (if you have time, you can read my text "Bits"-is somethin' llike that and you'll see what I ment).
2. The second is that reading your text it was like a picture for the real world we all are part of it and the tremendously speed time passes by - again the flash presentation!!!
3. The third one takes me to the "The Wall" movie of Pink Floyd's and hope I won't go too further to say that I saw some pieces from the "1984" movie after Orwell's novel.

I wait for your response about the idea, the message beyond the text...

Final conclusion ... very interesting!
Good job!

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