Comentariile membrilor:

 =  hound barking...
Marius Surleac
[07.Apr.08 10:18]
Interesting and nice indeed. There is a barking opinion for the love torment and expressive feeling indeed.
Good job Chris!

 =  One way of reading this...
John Willy Kopperud
[07.Apr.08 10:33] regarding it as a poetic tribute to Conan Doyle and, as Marius has pointed out it IS interesting.

The following thought is a bit OFF this topic here. Should
Agonia be more like a functioning poetry workshop in the sense that literary ADVICE gains priority on the site? Should that be the case for comments when the texts are approved as well? Revising online? I know it happens already in a limited scale, but shouldn't it be regarded as more important and how can this be solved technically? In Norway I publish through a site where poems often are improved by advice from other writers, That is perhaps DIKTKAMMERET.NO's greatest asset.

Just a thought.
Cheers from Willy

 =  thanks guys.
Christopher Thripp
[08.Apr.08 03:29]
thanks guys for your comments...
willy you have a point...

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