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 =  wonderful work Joshua...
Marius Surleac
[07.Apr.08 09:57]
Is a very nice poem but what I like most is the final that shows under a different light the happiness for all life's pleasures, so the cause-effect matter is reflected in the happiness of the "dancing in the endless rain" - is something what I have experienced when I was at the top of feeling life's pleasures and when music goes beyond the perceptive possibilities of the body.
Cheers Joshua!

 =  mysterious pentecost
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[08.Apr.08 08:03]
thnx for ur comment and as well for appreciating and for the feeling which i happen to share with you in this of expressive crap yeah ur ryt d utmost undefined presence of the music gives a very distinct allure to anyone who hears it, especiaLLY to those who fully understand and alocates the empathy which music conveys the power with the music is sealed and if u happen to unlocked it u can feel the the spirit of the song that controls u, do you know the religion pentecost? who happens to shows the gift of the holy spirit, to who ever possess it has the gift of tounges? it's not to far from how u feel the spirit of music which makes u jive and sing undeniably. Our family religion used to be pentecostal, and i have a glimpse of if when i was young i used to seeing many of our religion's brotherhood and sisterhood who has the ability of speaking of tongues. I happen to be amazed seeing other and hearing their testimonials and proof, it's very mystrious, as it happens to me I feel the music so intense that i happen to feels its spirit around me as if controlling me by its undefined powers.

 =  Dear Joshua
Simona Sumanaru
[23.Apr.09 10:39]
It seems you are courageously giving it all in this dance. Very beautiful!

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