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 =  clear message,metaphors that don't make a lot of sense
Bobeica Razvan
[16.Apr.08 15:48]
The message of the poem is clear,but your metaphors and your figures of speach don't coagulate,they're a little chaotic and here and there don;t make a lot of sense,in my opinion

 =  thank you for the comment!
Marius Surleac
[16.Apr.08 16:26]
I understand your opinion and the metaphors really have sense; exactly this is the idea - to withdraw the first idea thundered in mind, is what I wanted to express for a quite weird feeling for a different kind of mental anguish.
Thank you for you comment!

 =  ...
Marius Surleac
[16.Apr.08 16:43]
you'll find the whole idea in the title...

 =  Thank you
Bobeica Razvan
[19.Apr.08 10:49]
I know what you wanted to transmit.I want to thank you for your comments and feedback and let you know that I am open to criticism and was not angry,I was just trying to better explain my poem.Thank you again

 =  !!!
Marius Surleac
[20.Apr.08 15:23]
Ok Razvan!
I understand you perfectly well.

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