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 =  learning our bodies to support...
Marius Surleac
[18.Apr.08 09:15]
I'm not sure I understood; is all about the evolution of technology reported to the power of buying things, about the much more alert present days in a society crazy about working and earning money - pushing beside the pleasures of life. Hope you’ll clear me.
Good job Chris!
P.S. By the way, the text should be put as poetry not prose.

 =  cheers marius.
Christopher Thripp
[18.Apr.08 18:45]
actually i thought personals ...but hey it's published in both poetry and prose so best of both worlds!!...the poem is another one of my takes on everyday relationship quirks like my "coffee" poem It is also double sided as with all of my work...crazy world we live in and the means sometimes don't justify the end result...thank you marius.

 =  good job
Lynn West
[18.Apr.08 20:00]
I like this - a bit of merriment, but a lesson to be told too! Good job.

 =  cheers
Christopher Thripp
[18.Apr.08 23:12]
thank you lynn...i appreciate your words.

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