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 =  hmmmmmmm
Christopher Thripp
[24.Apr.08 21:45]
interesting marius ..finding yourself at the bottom of the barrel looking up? or just realising you have tio start again from the bottom and finding yourself along the way?

 =  truth you said Chris...
Marius Surleac
[24.Apr.08 21:51]
Actually is about thoughts passing the mind, about finding lost memories and also starting to walk straight to the horizon on a different but better passageway.
Thank you Chris for your exactly comment, you're right.
Cheers and have a nice day!


 =  wonderful style
Mike Aspros
[25.Apr.08 01:26]
first read I got the impression of starting on new path although you are heavy with doubt and insecurity but all you can do is do it. I like the sliding scale that shows everything we do that is big starts small as an idea.

 =  thank you Mike...
Marius Surleac
[25.Apr.08 11:31]
I appreciate your comment and I am delighted when my poem attracts different opinions. The scale you've mentioned is part from the “nonet” style: it starts with nine syllables on the first line and finishes with one syllable on the last line.
Cheers and always welcome!

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