Comentariile membrilor:

 =  ...
Christopher Thripp
[26.Apr.08 14:22]
Lynn i will .....let chris alone ...u mad me

 =  what?
Lynn West
[26.Apr.08 22:40]

 =  ...Sorry, but I don't really see...
John Willy Kopperud
[27.Apr.08 02:50]
...the poetry here. Too sweet in a conventional way.

 =  ...Sorry, but I don't really see...
John Willy Kopperud
[27.Apr.08 02:51]
...the poetry here. Too sweet in a conventional way.

 =  Your opinion, thank you
Lynn West
[27.Apr.08 18:37]
Willy, thank you for your honest opinion. Luckily we all have them, lol. I profess not to be a "true poet" - I just write what I feel, and if someone benefits from it, that is lovely, if not, perhaps they will from someone's else's words...

 =  i will not hear otherwise...
Christopher Thripp
[29.Apr.08 05:18]
you are experimenting with your work are a true poet lynn no question in my mind...

 =  true
Daniela Voicu
[19.Jun.08 14:10]
yes...true poet must work a lot to be a real poet candy life stories

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