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 =  Yeow!
Mike Aspros
[29.Apr.08 20:19]
A struggle you are enduring! I'm glad you found a refuge to build upon. I enjoy your tone (voice), like you are preaching out loud in something you have conviction. Very good poem. Words and poetry will keep us all focused on the light. Cheers!

 =  you're always welcome Mike!
Marius Surleac
[29.Apr.08 20:27]
Thank you Mike for offering me a very good comment. You're quite right about a part of the text, about the preaching for finding the right pathway in life into a communion with God.
Cheers and thank you.


 =  oh, yes...
Mike Aspros
[29.Apr.08 21:31]
I see it, beautiful...I learned this recently, poet comes from greek word meaning Maker...God being the Maker of all poetry. Cheers, Mike

 =  great.
Christopher Thripp
[30.Apr.08 04:40]
very you know i love visual ...great job marius...

 =  thank you Chris!
Marius Surleac
[30.Apr.08 09:01]
And you're always welcome. Indeed the poem is very visual, but my opinion is that this kind of visual is much deeper.
Cheers my friend!

 =  deep visual text.
Christopher Thripp
[01.May.08 16:15]
exactly my point there good friend..

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