Comentariile membrilor:

 =  well done
Lynn West
[01.May.08 07:10]
Thank you for sharing this one with the world, Chris. I love it!!

 =  thanks lynn.
Christopher Thripp
[01.May.08 12:52]
emotional to write easy reading ...with lots of this not what poetry is suppose to be about..

+ a star will shine upon the waves...
Marius Surleac
[01.May.08 20:50]
At sea, where many of us find the peace in the noise of the waves, the memories are laid! Meaningful words, nice images, beautiful feelings shared, smart metaphors and the final stanza is exceptional and's all about loyalty!

 =  beautiful
Mike Aspros
[01.May.08 22:08]
well written and magical. good job!

 =  thanks for the twinkler.
Christopher Thripp
[02.May.08 03:39]
thank you ...marius and you know marius i had to dig deep to get this one out...

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