Comentariile membrilor:

 =  nice...
Marius Surleac
[01.May.08 11:16]
Patience is needed before making too swift movements and before making different decisions in life.
Nice poem!

 =  hmmmmmmmmmmm
Christopher Thripp
[01.May.08 16:07]
well good advice there lynn ...patients you gotta love But there is a downside be careful the wind isn't taken from the sail...

 =  thank you
Lynn West
[01.May.08 18:12]
Thank you Marius and Chris. And, Chris, very true... but you know me - if it is meant to be it will be, right?

 =  Patience
Mike Aspros
[01.May.08 22:37]
Lynn, for me, patience is taking the time to hear what your heart is saying or the direction its pointing, and your poem validated those feeling I have. Thank you, nice poem.

 =  ppp!!!!atients
Christopher Thripp
[02.May.08 03:52]
you have point until that day arrives patients lol.

+ never too late.
Christopher Thripp
[01.Jul.08 09:03]
i never had chance before wasn't of the level but i loved this advice and the poem congratulations lynn.

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