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 =  nice funny poem...
Marius Surleac
[01.May.08 18:27]
Interesting indeed this poem of yours Chris, these words are like the words of a Doctor. But what captured my look was the subtitle "no pill for attitude problems" - it is absolutely right, if the action takes place out from a mental problems opinion!

 =  very good
Mike Aspros
[01.May.08 22:48]
fun poem! thank you for sharing it. I like how you said that we focus on the problems than the good things, so true.


 =  yes
Daniela Voicu
[02.May.08 09:08]
i will ...

 =  cheers guys...
Christopher Thripp
[02.May.08 03:46]
it's no good going to the docters for depression pills just because your pissed off.Docters have not the time to listen so they dish out pills...Which only makes the person worse than they were and now dependant...when all they really needed was a kick up the ass...funny take i laughed writing it ..thank you guys for reading...

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