Les commentaires des membres:

 =  symbolic...
Marius Surleac
[02.May.08 18:00]
Willy I would like to shake your hand as a respect for your symbolic poem. What happened there in '68 is something extraordinary; they wanted to open entire world's eyes to show that we all are human beings, no mater what colour we have or what kind of race we are. They conquered the medals for their countries to prove that they have dignity, for the black peoples, for their pride. You can’t see every day such a protest they showed.
Cheers Willy!

 =  Thanks a lot for your response, Marius!
John Willy Kopperud
[02.May.08 18:59]

I just thought that this moment should not be forgotten!
Cheers from Willy

 =  absolutely...
Marius Surleac
[02.May.08 19:02]
Absolutely right Willy! Thanks for sharing it with us! I've enjoyed it reading it!
Good job!

 =  cheers
Christopher Thripp
[03.May.08 06:30]
history ...right there.

 =  Amazing
Mike Aspros
[03.May.08 08:44]
through poetry you can revive history and tell it with emotion. Well done!

 =  Thanks a lot, Mike. You really hit the spot...
John Willy Kopperud
[03.May.08 13:51]
...with your comment. Poetry DOES make history come alive!
Cheers from Willy

 =  Chris, the responses on this one delights me!
John Willy Kopperud
[03.May.08 13:55]
History is poetry is history!
Cheers from Willy

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