Comentariile membrilor:

 =  great work.
Christopher Thripp
[03.May.08 06:28]
crafted marius ...great job i was there my hairs was even wet ..and i don't have hair ...

 =  Thank you Chris!
Marius Surleac
[03.May.08 08:37]
Thank you Chris, I appreciate your comment. I am glad that the text created you these images, but there is even a deeper image which is the basic idea of the text, I don't know if you saw it.
Cheers and you're always welcome!

 =  good descriptions
Mike Aspros
[07.May.08 18:13]
deeper meaning of faith (God or higher self...) that is flushing out the uncertainty or negative self that dwells (or in the case of me, duels against each other in my mine) in you? Very touching. Thank you.

 =  thank you Mike!
Marius Surleac
[07.May.08 18:29]
Thank you Mike for your kind comment. I am glad to find out that my poem produced such ideas (opinions), such images, different one with another.

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