Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Wonderful
Lynn West
[08.May.08 06:22]
and to a woman to love with her entire being... !!! beautiful, touching, so romantic - I love it! Lynn

 =  beautiful words...
Marius Surleac
[08.May.08 08:09]
As Lynn said, indeed the poem is beautiful, the words wear feelings and entire poem looks like a ritual of love.
Great job my friend.
Cheers from Marius!

 =  thank you
Christopher Thripp
[08.May.08 14:08]
thank you both for words

 =  ...
Daniela Voicu
[09.May.08 00:57]
oh ...thank you chris for the poem !

 =  thank you dani!!
Christopher Thripp
[09.May.08 01:53]
hey i am glad you liked the poem dani...and i appreciate your comments too.

 =  Wonderful!
Camelia Radu
[09.May.08 15:15]
that poem... a mirrror for mature feelings...

 =  thanks
Christopher Thripp
[09.May.08 16:23]
thank you camelia ...appreciate your insight

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