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 =  * The poet is the healer of the spirit *
Bogdan G. Marin
[10.May.08 22:57]
"our brains would become libraries –
continuously build up in the land of thoughts"

Beautiful. "What if?" One of the questions that our world was built on, our cultures - our spirits.

 =  what if?!
Marius Surleac
[10.May.08 23:28]
Thank you very much Bogdan! I appreciate your beautiful words. You're right about healing the souls. There are poems that i read and moved my hearts beats out of my body, gave me peace and so on.
What if? - is indeed a question that makes human's brain to work, to think about consequences and the solving the problems that would appear after, which makes us to evolve.
Cheers and thank you very much - you're always welcome Bogdan!

Best regards,

 =  Ode to a question...
John Willy Kopperud
[11.May.08 01:07]
...and well put indeed, Marius. As to mere linguistics; it does seem that you're arriving at a higher level! Cheers from

 =  the poet is healer of past and wound of the future
ion a
[11.May.08 08:51]
if at all

 =  Thank you Willy, Ion...
Marius Surleac
[11.May.08 09:04]
I appreciate your kind comments and thanks Willy for the beautiful words, also Ion I like the idea you've pointed out here: healer of the past and wound of the future, which seems to me very true (more like a open wound for the future and a healer for the future past).
Cheers to you all!


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