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 =  will'-o'-the-wisdom...
Marius Surleac
[10.May.08 23:59]
Yes, wisdom is the most valuable thing a man should get; you can have will but if you don't have wisdom it's all in vain. Also, what would be the Wisdom without Will - they both go together nice...

 =  Thank you for commenting
Bogdan G. Marin
[11.May.08 03:52]
Well I say that the genius, though I am not one - yet (as you can reach this metal and spiritual state, as you have stated as well Marius) inverts will with wisdom, no more he is guided by will but by wisdom. Will can have positive and negative aspects. Will can be used for causing harm but also for helping others and helping your own mind and spirit evolve. Once you reach the "state" of wisdom you can easily invert will with wisdom. Thus you are moral and wise. Surely none has the Absolute Truth and even reaching such a state you can`t know the Absolute Truth.

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