Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Not bad, Irene, but...
John Willy Kopperud
[12.May.08 15:55]
...can I gather from this that "It never rains in Southern
heers from Willy

 =  Not bad, Irene, but...
John Willy Kopperud
[12.May.08 15:57]
...can I gather from this that "It never rains in Southern
heers from Willy

 =  No rain...
Irene Singleton
[12.May.08 16:18]
When dreaming, you are allowed to ignore the British weather!! Thank you Willy for your comment :)

 =  good job.
Christopher Thripp
[13.May.08 07:56]
it's raining inspired words great job irene...hey willy it does not snow either ...

 =  Chris...
Irene Singleton
[14.May.08 09:55]
You haven't read Winter yet! lol :)

 =  bet
Christopher Thripp
[17.May.08 06:05]
not where you live anyway...take that winter bet 1000 to 1 you never know ...

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