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 =  *"My timid heart shakes"*
Bogdan G. Marin
[14.May.08 08:05]
1. I find myself in this haiku.
2. In front of my mind`s eye appeared the event of Socrates' death (by poison as you surely now) though his heart did not do any timid gesture.
3. "I gulp down the final fall / from the poisoned cup". These two verse express -will- and its great power to "gulp down the final fall". From timidity he reached the mountain top.

The whole poem is intense, at least for me (subjective view). For me also this poem represents rebirth.

 =  is all about will...
Marius Surleac
[14.May.08 08:15]
I appreciate your sharp-eye view Bogdan. Indeed the allusion to the poisoned cup that Socrates drank from is true. The timid heart that shakes reflects the emotions before taking the decision to drink the poison, and for this you need strong will.

Thank you very much and appreciate your pointed comment!

Cheers from Marius!

 =  well...
Bogdan G. Marin
[14.May.08 15:24]
Even so, the title is simple: "Haiku" - does not express its true substance.

 =  cheers marius
Christopher Thripp
[15.May.08 03:39]
gaining the strength ...

 =  I'm clapping
Mike Aspros
[15.May.08 08:14]
and cheering for this one, well!

 =  thank you Chris, Mike...
Marius Surleac
[17.May.08 11:35]
Thank you all! I appreciate your comments, Chris, Mike!
Cheers from Marius!

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