Comentariile membrilor:

 =  The essence of you...
Irene Singleton
[15.May.08 23:40]
I love this - very sensual...then raunchy ;)))

 =  Irene certainly has a point and..
John Willy Kopperud
[14.May.08 23:07]
..."tits" as explicit language? Doesn't that strike other editors too as an exceedingly prudish label on this otherwise
innocent, humorous and lighthearted poem?

 =  thanks willy.
Christopher Thripp
[15.May.08 03:31]
willy i take your advice and remove it off the is meant to be funny...i laughed my man boobs off when i wrote it...I just could not resist adding that last line..i hope it brings a smile to many... also showing the weakness and honesty all in one hit...

 =  Funny...
John Willy Kopperud
[15.May.08 06:36] is!
Cheers from Willy

 =  keep the last line
Mike Aspros
[15.May.08 07:55]
you capture the thought process perfectly. my opinion, don't change a thing. So well said, sensitive at first and then to lust. great poem!

 =  humor.
Christopher Thripp
[15.May.08 13:18]
risky... but hope it made you smile also to have a little humor every now and again...I thought it was time to lighten things a little.

 =  My comment??
Irene Singleton
[15.May.08 23:40]
I did have a point - I think - but I don't know where its gone :(

 =  Return of the comment...
Irene Singleton
[16.May.08 15:08]
My comment returns - thank you editors ;)

 =  where has my(light our path) poem gone and my red star removed?
Christopher Thripp
[16.May.08 03:59]
irene thanks for the comments ...appreciated what i would like to know from what happened to my red twinkler poem (light our path) off of the recommended list?can some one enlighten me here please...?????

 =  lol for romance and intention...
Marius Surleac
[17.May.08 10:22]
Very nice and very funny! I have started to read your poem and I said to myself: "there is some romance..." then when I reached the final I started to laugh - there is romance with a purpose. Great job Chris! Thank you for bringing the smile!

Cheers my friend!

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